Christie's Place 25th Anniversary
Virtual Celebration
April 9, 2021 - 6:00 - 7:00 PM
Sponsorship Opportunities
Company name and logo prominently displayed during our virtual event
Title Event $10,000
Platinum $5,000
Company name and logo prominently displayed on all promotional materials
Title Event $10,000
Sponsor video message included on website and social media
Title Event $10,000
Individual recognition on our event website
Title Event $10,000
Social media and email recognition leading up to and after the event
Title Event $10,000
Platinum $5,000
Diamond $3,000
Gold $1,500
Community Partner $1,000
Includes 1 VIP Table of 10 virtual tickets
Title Event $10,000
Platinum $5,000
Diamond $3,000
Logo featured on event website
Platinum $5,000
Diamond $3,000
Community Partner $1,000
Company name and logo prominently displayed on event promotional materials
Platinum $5,000
Company logo featured during virtual event
Diamond $3,000
Community Partner $1,000
Company logo featured on event promotional materials
Diamond $3,000
Community Partner $1,000
Includes 1 Standard table of 10 virtual tickets
Gold $1,500
Community Partner $1,000
Company name listed on event website
Gold $1,%00
Community Partner $1,000
Includes 2 Standard Virtual Tickets
Personal $500
Complimentary event T-shirt
Title $10,000
Platinum $5,000
Diamond $3,000
Gold $1,500
Personal $500
Receives FREE pre-order of new Christie's Place book
Title $10,000
Platinum $5,000
Diamond $3,000
Gold $1,500
Personal $500
Name listed on event website
Personal $500