Christie's Place 25th Anniversary
Virtual Celebration

April 9, 2021 - 6:00 - 7:00 PM

Sponsorship Opportunities

Christie’s Place is the only agency in San Diego whose mission is dedicated to serving women, children, and families whose lives have been impacted by HIV/AIDS. What started out as a grassroots agency has grown into a vital organization that serves more than 400 families throughout San Diego County.
The 25th Anniversary Virtual Celebration is an opportunity to acknowledge the important work being done for families affected by HIV, increase the visibility of the challenges they face and the ways Christie’s Place helps them meet those challenges, and to raise funds to continue to expand our mission in the San Diego area.
Your sponsorship of this event will ensure we can continue to empower women, children, families, and individuals whose lives have been impacted by HIV/AIDS to take charge of their health and wellness.


Title Event
Community Partner

Company name and logo prominently displayed during our virtual event

Title Event $10,000

Platinum $5,000

Company name and logo prominently displayed on all promotional materials

Title Event $10,000

Sponsor video message included on website and social media

Title Event $10,000

Individual recognition on our event website

Title Event $10,000

Social media and email recognition leading up to and after the event

Title Event $10,000

Platinum $5,000

Diamond $3,000

Gold $1,500

Community Partner $1,000​

Includes 1 VIP Table of 10 virtual tickets

Title Event $10,000

Platinum $5,000

Diamond $3,000

Logo featured on event website

Platinum $5,000

Diamond $3,000

Community Partner $1,000​

Company name and logo prominently displayed on event promotional materials

Platinum $5,000

Company logo featured during virtual event

Diamond $3,000

Community Partner $1,000​

Company logo featured on event promotional materials

Diamond $3,000

Community Partner $1,000​

Includes 1 Standard table of 10 virtual tickets

Gold $1,500

Community Partner $1,000​

Company name listed on event website

Gold $1,%00

Community Partner $1,000​

Includes 2 Standard Virtual Tickets

Personal $500

Complimentary event T-shirt

Title $10,000

Platinum $5,000

Diamond $3,000

Gold $1,500

Personal $500

Receives FREE pre-order of new Christie's Place book

Title $10,000

Platinum $5,000

Diamond $3,000

Gold $1,500

Personal $500

Name listed on event website

Personal $500

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